
Showing posts from June, 2021


A TRIP BACK TO THE PAST What would you do if get a time travel machine? If it's only one chance and where would you want to go? the Past? or the Future?  Well, I would definitely choose to go to my past, the happiest days ever in my life that I won't get back again. Those were the most unforgettable memories until the last minute of death. When I think back on those days, tears well up in my eyes as I recall all the wonderful memories one by one in a nostalgic sequence with a sad song playing in the background. Seriously that's a terrible feeling ever like a sad ending movie. So, I will narrate a story about it.  After graduation, our little boy joins a company and is completely clueless as to what he will do. He was onboarded and had to go through a three-day induction program. Having fear in his mind at first, everyone was friendly even before the end of the third day, which made him feel a little more at ease.   Everything that happens next is entirely not in his hands.


A TRIP BACK TO THE PAST What would you do if get a time travel machine? If it's only one chance and where would you want to go? the Past? or the Future?  Well, I would definitely choose to go to my past, the happiest days ever in my life that I won't get back again. Those were the most unforgettable memories until the last minute of death. When I think back on those days, tears well up in my eyes as I recall all the wonderful memories one by one in a nostalgic sequence with a sad song playing in the background. Seriously that's a terrible feeling ever like a sad ending movie. So, I will narrate a story about it.  After graduation, our little boy joins a company and is completely clueless as to what he will do. He was onboarded and had to go through a three-day induction program. Having fear in his mind at first, everyone was friendly even before the end of the third day, which made him feel a little more at ease.   Everything that happens next is entirely not in his hands.


This article is about a dream I had this morning in which I felt like I was watching a classic vintage type of movie that was quite adventurous, which is why I wanted to share it with you. Because this is a dream, I don't remember all of the scenes, but I'll do my best to describe them.  There were 2 guys.  It was a kind of yellowish sky, vintage time so old type of vehicles, a small narrow road with rush traffic and everyone was dressed in vintage clothes.  They were both new to town, so they were just wandering around the streets. While walking through the streets, they noticed carriages and bikes carrying stuffed bags shouting instead of honking. They continued through the streets until they came across something strange. They were startled to feel raindrops, and it quickly stopped. They wondered! why does it rain on a sunny afternoon suddenly?  Actually, there was a shop that used water sprinklers on top of their store to attract customers, much like colorful lights. I'


How to remove your skin tan naturally  Are you worried about stepping out in the sun during summers? Of course, no one likes the harsh sun. Neither do I. Exposure to the sun not only tan the skin but also causes a variety of skin problems eventually makes it appear pale and dull. Don't worry! Just sit back and relax. In this article, we’ll talk about simple tan removal home remedies that you can use to remove tan from your body. Whether you have a tan as a result of exposure to sunlight or pollution on your regular commute to work or while relaxing at a beach with your girlfriend, these tips will assist you in removing your tan. INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: Gram flour, Curd, Sandalwood powder, turmeric powder, Rosewater & Honey let's see how to make that face mix Take 2 teaspoons of gram floor Add a pinch of sandalwood powder and turmeric powder Add 2 teaspoons of curd Add 1 spoon of Rosewater and you can add honey if you want (it's optional) Then