A TRIP BACK TO THE PAST What would you do if get a time travel machine? If it's only one chance and where would you want to go? the Past? or the Future?  Well, I would definitely choose to go to my past, the happiest days ever in my life that I won't get back again. Those were the most unforgettable memories until the last minute of death. When I think back on those days, tears well up in my eyes as I recall all the wonderful memories one by one in a nostalgic sequence with a sad song playing in the background. Seriously that's a terrible feeling ever like a sad ending movie. So, I will narrate a story about it.  After graduation, our little boy joins a company and is completely clueless as to what he will do. He was onboarded and had to go through a three-day induction program. Having fear in his mind at first, everyone was friendly even before the end of the third day, which made him feel a little more at ease.   Everything that happens next is entirely not in his hands.


How to remove your skin tan naturally 

Are you worried about stepping out in the sun during summers? Of course, no one likes the harsh sun. Neither do I. Exposure to the sun not only tan the skin but also causes a variety of skin problems eventually makes it appear pale and dull.

Don't worry! Just sit back and relax. In this article, we’ll talk about simple tan removal home remedies that you can use to remove tan from your body.

Whether you have a tan as a result of exposure to sunlight or pollution on your regular commute to work or while relaxing at a beach with your girlfriend, these tips will assist you in removing your tan.


Gram flour, Curd, Sandalwood powder, turmeric powder, Rosewater & Honey

let's see how to make that face mix

  • Take 2 teaspoons of gram floor
  • Add a pinch of sandalwood powder and turmeric powder
  • Add 2 teaspoons of curd
  • Add 1 spoon of Rosewater and you can add honey if you want (it's optional)
  • Then mix it well until u get a nice blend of paste


Wash your face with soap to remove oil from your skin before applying our face pack. Once u r done, Apply our homemade face pack to all your tanned areas of skin and give it a nice massage and wait for 30mins and let it dry.
Wash your face with mild hot water once the face pack gets dry and u feel like some weird stuff sticking to your face.
Do this in your daily routine and definitely, you will feel that your tans will be removed and your skin becomes brighter than ever before.

Don't get disappointed by the results in the initial days, as I said, Consistency is really important. Apply it regularly and see the results which will definitely make you happy.
If you can't do this, u can even apply tomato to remove the suntan.

Its undeniable "Nature has its own healing power."
There is also plenty of research that proves that people who live closer to open green spaces are healthier and live longer.


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