What would you do if get a time travel machine? If it's only one chance and where would you want to go? the Past? or the Future? 

Well, I would definitely choose to go to my past, the happiest days ever in my life that I won't get back again. Those were the most unforgettable memories until the last minute of death.

When I think back on those days, tears well up in my eyes as I recall all the wonderful memories one by one in a nostalgic sequence with a sad song playing in the background. Seriously that's a terrible feeling ever like a sad ending movie. So, I will narrate a story about it. 

After graduation, our little boy joins a company and is completely clueless as to what he will do. He was onboarded and had to go through a three-day induction program. Having fear in his mind at first, everyone was friendly even before the end of the third day, which made him feel a little more at ease.  

Everything that happens next is entirely not in his hands. He was assigned to a role that was very different from the one described in the job posting. He felt completely terrible as he was alone and all others with whom he felt comfortable were all in a different team. That's when our little boy's journey begins. He didn't interact with anyone for the first few days because he was an introvert, and he was the youngest. However, the story's climax will be quite different. Days passed, and he made friends with whom he felt more at ease, happier, and amusing, and so on... He loved his friends more than his job.

He knew those beautiful days would come to an end because it was an 8-month project, but he truly lived each and every moment, as well as his office, from which he could gaze out over the entire city, beach, and tiny people. His office is like a mini-war zone, with everyone around him moving quickly and making a lot of noise, while he sits at his desk, staring at his laptop and listening to music through his earphones. He spent on an average 10 hrs in the office but never ever had he felt any burden even a single day.  Everyone he worked with was unique had different working experiences. Regardless of their background, they were extremely helpful and kind. They formed family-like brothers and sisters, and as the days drew closer to the end, they became increasingly attached and close. They went on a lot of short trips, such as to the VR mall, the beach, the football turf, the badminton court, and so on. Our little boy is overjoyed because he has never been this close to anyone or had this experience before. He always wanted to be happy and same as with his friends but worries become more intense as the days passes and they all left with only 1 month, despite, he never expressed explicitly. They made a lot of memories than they thought. He made a lot of friends, but of all of them, he had three affectionate friends(his sweet caring sister & 2 altruistic brothers) with whom he had a strong bond and who he could rely on. 

He never felt lonely because he spent all of his time with this lovely family, and they never leave him alone as well. I knew everyone in the company wanted in common "time". No one wanted to be separated, but the only thing they could do was "enjoy the moment." Our little boy is very sensitive and emotional by nature does not possess the maturity to bear anything. He never expresses anything except his smile that too covered by his mask. He never made such memories ever before in his life. See the beauty of life, he was unexpectedly assigned to this team. The little boy went through a lot of struggles at his age. He would not have met his beautiful, caring & kind-hearted sister who always encourages him whatever he does, takes care of him like her own brother, or courteous, friendly & supportive brothers if any of the minute factors in his life had changed. No one knew what happens next but they had one thing in their mind that they wanted to be together. 

The final day arrives after he and his friends had a fantastic one-day trip. Tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bear. Our little boy was the first one to start with, cried bitterly. No matter how hard he tried to hide his emotions by smiling as usual, but his eyes surged emotions explicitly. He is too young to be experiencing all of these emotions. He believed that they reunite after a month, unfortunately, that did not happen. No one expected this climax, But still, he believes it will happen soon. Our little boy has experienced separation at every stage of his life: from secondary to new high school, from high school to college far away from his family, from an unexpected pandemic before farewell, and now. This was the most agonizing separation he had ever experienced. He will never have these memorable days back again, and he will miss them terribly.

That's why If getting a time machine I will go back to the past so that I would enjoy those days again than I did before.



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