A TRIP BACK TO THE PAST What would you do if get a time travel machine? If it's only one chance and where would you want to go? the Past? or the Future?  Well, I would definitely choose to go to my past, the happiest days ever in my life that I won't get back again. Those were the most unforgettable memories until the last minute of death. When I think back on those days, tears well up in my eyes as I recall all the wonderful memories one by one in a nostalgic sequence with a sad song playing in the background. Seriously that's a terrible feeling ever like a sad ending movie. So, I will narrate a story about it.  After graduation, our little boy joins a company and is completely clueless as to what he will do. He was onboarded and had to go through a three-day induction program. Having fear in his mind at first, everyone was friendly even before the end of the third day, which made him feel a little more at ease.   Everything that happens next is entirely not in his hands.


How to grow your Instagram followers  for personal or business page

Instagram has become one of the major platforms for building a brand's online presence nowadays. Besides businessmen getting benefitted, It has large benefits for Influencers to generate revenue from Instagram. Even a normal Instagram user with decent followers can start generating revenue just by following some growth tips. The larger your audience grows, the more opportunities you have to engage with users and create unique experiences for them.

Figure out a profitable niche

Firstly, you have to figure out a profitable niche that you are interested in and make sure you will be able to produce content consistently. 

Optimize your Instagram bio 

Keep your username as search-friendly as possible and is aligned with your brand. Think of your Instagram bio as the homepage for your brand. Your bio must be attractive and detailed which helps people to know the brand identity or to know what the page is all about. 

It must have 

  • a clear description of what you do
  • a call to action and
  • a link.

Keep a consistent calendar

Do research about the content for 3-4 days. Make sure you have content to post consistently. Sticking to a schedule will help you build a consistent experience for your followers and keep them in the know of your brand. Posting at the right time can boost visibility by increasing the overall engagement as the Instagram algorithm shows users more content they like. Make sure you provide unique content or value on Instagram so users have a reason to follow you.

Post content what your followers want 

Each type of content has different advantages.

  • Carousel Images
  • IG videos
  • Reels
  • Stories

To learn about it first, you have to invest more time on Instagram insights where you can figure out which posts performed well. It is moreover kinda A/B testing which is crucial. Going with the trend is also important to gain new audiences. 

Instagram reels were found to be the most used feature on social media as an alternative after the Tiktok ban. Reels are the best ways to reach a large audience and It offers anyone the chance to become a creator on Instagram and reach new audiences. The amount of time spent on Instagram by users has increased drastically. Reasons can be threefold, one is the covid pandemic, a raise in new online businesses & an Increase in content creators like influencers, memes, promotions, etc. Instagram penetration in rural areas is also a notable one. 

Mixing up your Instagram content allows you to reach people with different preferences, and that extended reach helps you boost your Instagram followers.

Find relevant Hashtags

One of the most tried-and-true ways to get followers on Instagram is through hashtags. For years hashtags have served as an essential tool for discovery and allowed us to extend our social reach. You must invest your time here because it is the best way to reach target audiences. Just do research on it from different tools and research sites and come up with the best hashtags. Use can use up to 30 hashtags and 30 profile tags on every post. 

Avoid fake Instagram followers

The larger your Instagram followers count grows organically, the more buyers and customers interested you will have. Try to avoid fake Instagram followers. There is a huge difference between an Instagram account having fake and legitimate followers. It might seem tempting to simply purchase Instagram followers, but the backlash outweighs the perks of organic follower growth. Fake followers will definitely lower the account's credibility and also deceive new followers. If you have 10k fake followers, how many are they going to like, comment, and share your content? useful for nothing. More than likely, these fake followers will be cleaned up by Instagram. Don't trick people into following you. Build trust and long-lasting relationships for better engagement.

Collaborate with others

Another great way to gain Instagram followers is to collaborate with others through partnerships or influencer campaigns.

Cross-promote your Instagram on your other channels

Linking your Instagram to your Twitter and Facebook so that it posts on all three sites. Once you have gained decent followers, It is not an easy task to retain the existing followers. You have to engage with them frequently by using creative stories, engaging with them on comments instantly, launch contests & one to one engagement.

It is inevitable that Instagram marketing has been growing tremendously and It is a boon for growing online business and e-commerce markets. Understanding the algorithm of Instagram is also really important for all businessmen. I hope readers find this article useful!


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